Maybe It’s Time For That Project.

If you’re like many people, the stay at home orders have you considering if it’s finally the right time to tackle that home maintenance project you’ve been putting off. Fresh caulk in the tub, paint the family room. You know your project. The things you need to accomplish, but are hard to prioritize with life running at full speed.
We’d like to suggest that this is the right time to consider the same, in the context of your brand. With many businesses experiencing a pause in the action, it can be the right time to do that hard-to-prioritize brand work. You know your project. Sharpen the purpose and expression; revitalize the identity and architecture, or update packaging.
With people relatively available for zoom meetings and approvals, projects can move even faster than normal. And then, when the world gets back to full speed, you’ll have a fresh coat of paint, and be ready for anything.